I believe life has a way of opening our eyes to see what is truly inside of each of us. Today, let's focus on the positive (LOL). During the pandemic, my passion for women was set ablaze. I knew we were experiencing mental, emotional, and spiritual problems. So what could I possibly do to help? I didn't know exactly how or when, but I did know My WHY.
I wanted the work I spent my valuable time each day already doing (teaching, counseling, praying for, and coaching women) to reach more women, but how? The first thing we must do in becoming a BOSS is to have CLARITY.
Get clear on WHY you're building a business. There can be a number of reasons, but I encourage you to use the Galatians 6:4 method. It says, “But each one must examine his own work, and then he will have reason for boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another.”
We must examine our works before the Lord. If we don’t we’ll carry on under our self-deception, thinking our work has been approved by God and it hasn’t. Once we know that this particular business idea has been given to us by God, we can begin to take the necessary steps in operating the business.
You may want to work for other people first for experience. Try volunteering, reach out for a mentor in that particular business field and ongoing education is always in order. As you walk in CLARITY, know this to be true, If something is important to you that does not mean you have the experience or skills in that space. You can pursue it and succeed but it might take much longer. If you have skills doing something specific that doesn’t mean you love doing it.
The S.W.O.T. Analysis is a great tool to access yourself personally and your business. It will help you identify areas within yourself and your business that are performing well. These areas are your critical success factors and they give your business its competitive advantage. Remember, no matter what type of business you have, who you are; your character, beliefs, and morals should always be seen within your business.
2. Get clear on whom your business caters to and how you speak to those you serve.
Who has God called you to? In the business world, we call them our Avatar. You must find out (even with your passion to help) what it is that your market ie: Avatar wants. Give the market what the market wants, not what you want them to have.
3. The last gem on having CLARITY in becoming a BOSS is to get clear on where this is all going. What is the overall goal? Try this exercise to help you. Fill in the blanks.
*Others mean how it will help those you serve and self mean how it will help you.
I started this business to _____________ (others) and ______________ (self).
Overall my business will _____________ (others) and _______________ (self).
Get clarity on the strategy and how it all connects together. Then, map out the tactics and take action. Never leave God out of the vision because it is HE who has given you the vision, to begin with.